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Mayor Elections

Want to become mayor of West Point? Submit your platform under Kentucky Roleplay > Government > Elections > Mayor
The election has begun!

Welcome to Pixel Port!

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Staff member

Hello and welcome to Pixel Port! For those that don't know me, my name is RJ and I'm one of the Founders of Pixel Port. We're working hard to bring our communities, affiliates, and playerbase a truly great experience. With your participation and any other skills you might bring to us, we'll be able to continue to provide something of value. Let me thank you for being apart of our community because a community is only the sum of its parts, so truly, thank you!

If you're new around here we would recommend you introduce yourself to other community members by making a post in our (click here -->) Introductions forum (don't be shy, we don't bite).

Our organization offers a multitude of communities to participate in. You have the option of joining any which one you so desire, whether it's one of our official flagship communities, or one of our affiliates: The choice is yours. We don't limit you to a singular experience as we want our members to have a good and enjoyable experience with whatever style of gameplay they desire.

Thank you again for being apart of Pixel Port!
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